Thursday 20 September 2012

Auto Transmissions Repair Equipment

It is good to take care and prevent severe damages in time to save many dollars on repair expenses. Here are some tips for diagnosing different problems in transmission repair and fix them in time. These tips are –
  • Transmission has noise when the clutch pedal is in neutral – When you shift the clutch pedal in neutral position, the front shaft starts turning. It also results in front bearing and cluster bearings start turning. Make sure that transmission fluid is sufficient.
  • Transmission grinds are going in reverse or it is hard to shift gears – You should check that clutch pedal has full range for movement. There are many reasons for this symptom. Depending on the clutch is operated on cable or hydraulics, in case of hydraulic, check clutch reservoir. In case of cable operation, check whether it is stretched. You can check back firewall where clutch master is mounted. If it is cracked or broken, it shortens clutch motion.
  • Vehicle is not moving – In case of four wheelers, you have to check differentials, drive shafts and transfer case. Mostly it is problem of transfer case.